Sunday, May 22, 2011

Jon's motorcycle journey

So Jon has been talking about this motorcycle trip so months now. In case you have no idea about what I'm talking about, Carl (Jons brother) was getting stationed somewhere else so he told Jon he could have his motorcycle while he's gone. At first it was having to decide when and how, then I decided with the price of gas and having to get a trailer blah, blah, blah it would be better just to fly out there and have him drive it back. Well Jon has been waiting for this trip forever it seems and it finally came. So now it was exciting part for Jon and the worrying part for me. Luckily I was really busy with Madisen's 2nd grade program and her dance recital that by the way I was not too happen he was going to be gone for but oh well. I survived and so did Jon thank God. So here are some pictures and a video of his trip of a life time.


Sue B. said...

Loved the text message about having to stop for pain pills, you can thank your father for not having much of a back side to sit on. LOL, Love the color and you are one good looking man, just like your dad. Love you all!!!!

Anonymous said...

What fun, and enjoyed the video. Glad that you had this little bit of time to enjoy Carl and pick up the bike. Am sure that you and Katie will have some fun and hopefully the opportunity to explore the beauty in your area. Enjoy - be safe and have a great spring! Tante

Anonymous said...

Great opportunity to visit with Carl, check out areas to visit with family and just 'be'. Am sure it was sweet to return home to be with family after the trip. Hope you and Jon have time to explore at least a wee bit of the beauty of your area as well. Great way to save money too!
Love, Tante

Anonymous said...

He looks so hot! I bet he had fun! Maddie looks great!

Annan said...

Nice. Glad you had a good trip, Jon. I am slowly saving up for a bike of my own and look forward to the day I can do a road trip. :) Where is Carl?

Annan said...

Nice. Glad it was a nice, fun trip Jon. What bike is that? Where is Carl now?