Saturday, April 25, 2009

My last Baby Shower, boo hoo

My best friend Gabby threw me a very fun and creative baby shower. I can't believe it's the last one I'll ever have, kinda sad. She did an awesome job, the place looked so cute and blue with polka dots. We played some fun games like have cups of frozen babies and see who can break there water first. Anyhow, she made me this cool blanket for the car seat but I thought it was a cover for me when I breast feed so that's what that pictures all about, I even had a fake baby to show that it could work, and it's little hand was poking out of one of the holes, thats why I couldn't stop laughing. All in all, it was fun and I was grateful. Thanks Gabster. Love ya always.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

25 weeks and going

Do I look bigger? You tell me, because I feel huge and I still have a good 2 1/2 more months to go.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Back to Reality

After a long trip to California, the kids got a chance to spend their Spring Break in the nice warm Cali weather. They finally came back Sunday afternoon, with a bit of a delay due to so many people at the airport. It hadn't dawned on me that it was the end of Spring Break for almost everyone so of course it was crazy at the airport. I should have warned my parents but I didn't even think about it. But they finally came back safe and sound. It was a lonely week without them. You'd never think I would miss the yelling and fighting between Tristen and Madisen but I did. It was a rough night last night, their time schedules were all out of whack. You see were an hour ahead of California so they weren't very tired and had a hard time sleeping and waking up for school but it shouldn't take long to get back into routine. I'm just happy to have my children back safe.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


This Easter weekend was a very long and busy one. We first drove to see Carl in Monterey Calif. and it was beautiful. We got to go to Fishermens Wharf and see the seals lounging around by the ocean and then the next day we went to the famous Monterey Bay Aquarium which was pretty awesome. We saw fish, jellyfish, penguins, and much more. It was all pretty cool, Thanks Carl. Then we drove to Sacramento to see my family and also had a blast. We stayed with Sal and Melissa and Jon and I got to spend some alone time after the kids went back to Bakersfield on Sunday. We spent Monday with Sal and Melissa and had a really good time, thanks guys! It defiantly made the extra long trip through the snow storm in Nevada and Utah back home worth all the good times we had. It was the vacation time we needed before coming back to our hectic life.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Maddys growing up so fast

Maddy learned how to ride a bike this last weekend and what surprises me is that she wasn't scared at at all. I remember being terrified when I first learned, but not Madisen. Some of the neighbors older girls had this bike and gave it to her so she was determined to learn how to ride it. I'm so proud of her.