Wednesday, July 2, 2008

If it's not one thing it's another

Why oh why if it's not one thing it's another? Our tub stopped draining a couple months ago so we got drano and tried everything we could to not call a plumber. For those of you that don't know we've recently spent 5 grand for a lawyer and shrink to try to prove that we are NOT neglecting Hannah and her mother is crazy, so we are pretty much broke now. Anyhow, we finally had to call a plumber and now he tells us we need a new toilet because that's the only way he can drain our main line that is clogged and our toilet is cracked so if he takes it off it will basically crumble. So now it's not only the cost of the plumber but the cost of new toilet also,lucky us!
Why oh why couldn't we have sold the house first?


Gabby said...

Hang in there! Things will get better.

Sue B. said...

Hey Guys, I am so glad that you did have the money to pay for the things you needed to get done with Hannah, we sure hope that this will clear up all the things that need to be and that Hannah will begin to have a normal life in some small way. I am so glad that you can get that draining problem fixed, by the way a new toilet is very easy to install as we have done 3 of them now. Much Love to all of you, the Bayton's in Illinois